Live in or near Wilmington North Carolina?

Hosting a party, team building meeting or vending event?

Book and experience a unique crafting event with us.

Is your party boring? Having a conference room work party, backyard BBQ, community lady's night or kids event and need some interactive activity and unique party favors? No problem, we come to you!
Invite us to your home, office or business for an engaging craft session with your guests, employees or customers. Unwind and bond as your guests indulge in crafting their own personalized party favors.

Our Mobile Craft Studio Bead Bar comes to you, equipped with all the materials needed to create custom pens, necklaces, bracelets, bookmarks, or even wine corks. We even Host paint pour art classes!!!

As a bonus, we offer a complimentary raffle, giving your guests the chance to win one of three mystery bags filled with delightful Manic Mochi products, including our exclusive homemade 3D printed desk pets.

Our events provide an outlet for your guest to unleash their creativity and make memorable keepsakes or gifts for their loved ones.

Reach out via email a quote and to schedule an event today.

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